Everything Disc®
Agile eq™
Develop the emotional intelligence necessary to support a thriving agile culture.
Everything DiSC is a personal development learning experience that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C, and serves as the foundation for the Everything DiSC Application Suite. Participants receive personalised insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organisation.
Powered by 40+ years of research, each Everything DiSC personality assessment combines adaptive testing and sophisticated algorithms to deliver precise insights to each participant. These insights lay the groundwork for a personalised experience rich with “aha!” moments that inspire behaviour change.
The personalised content in the profile deepens self-understanding through the DiSC model. People gain insight into their own preferences and tendencies, learn more about relating to others, and receive actionable strategies to help them improve their interactions and ultimately, their performance.
The profile comes to life in a virtual or in-person classroom experience that engages and educates. Easy-to-use facilitation tools, including scripted content, contemporary video, and impactful activities, can be customised to meet the specific and remote needs of your people and your organisation.
A suite of follow-up resources makes lasting behaviour change possible by keeping Everything DiSC alive in the workplace. Participants can go deeper into their DiSC style, get real-world tips for connecting with colleagues, and gain insight into their team’s or department’s DiSC culture.
With over 40 years of research-backed assessment expertise, Everything DiSC is the superior DISC assessment platform to unlock the potential of your people and the power of your culture.
Everything DiSC goes beyond the classroom with virtual trainings and MyEverythingDiSC™, a personalised online, mobile-friendly resource that helps participants use DiSC every day to connect better with their colleagues in real time, regardless of location.
Everything DiSC provides a trustworthy assessment with strong psychometric properties, and prioritises quality by using scientific adaptive testing, global norming, and real-world testing.
Everything DiSC translates assessment results into a personalised, actionable narrative that makes behaviour change tangible.
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Each organisation has unique needs. Everything DiSC provides versatile tailoring features that allow you to easily design a customised programme that’s right for your organisation, training setting, and time constraints.
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Participants Impacted
Authorized Partners
Countries in 13 Languages
The Everything DiSC Application Suite is available through our Authorized Partner network of consultants, trainers, and coaches. This passionate community of over 2,300 expert professionals is dedicated to improving the performance of people and cultures of organisations worldwide. With a wide range of service offerings, including virtual facilitation for remote learners, the Authorized Partner network transforms Everything DiSC’s workplace applications into customised solutions that unlock engagement, collaboration, and drive success; regardless of your organisation’s needs, industry, or size.
"One of the reasons we choose to work with Everything DiSC® is because it’s one simple model with many powerful applications.”
James Reid
Authorized Partner, ITDA
“The results of the assessment were so spot-on! For many they’d never been given a chance to reflect on themselves before…It really allowed team members to connect, to understand the world a bit better—to me, that made the greatest impact of all.”
Sue Harris
Director of Leadership and OD, Health Education England
“Everything DiSC is one of the most powerful tools I’ve used for breaking down the assumptions people have about others, for suspending judgement and building empathy and understanding instead.”
Liz Lugt
Authorized Partner
Everything DiSC is available through our Authorized Partner network of consultants, trainers, and coaches.
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